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Goal check-in!

Time for checking up on your goals you've set at the beginning of the year.

How have you been doing? Are your goals still realistic? Have you been able to knock anything off the list?

It is important when you set your goals, that you do check-ins.

1. To measure progress - We need to see forward progress in order to maintain our goals, otherwise we risk losing focus. It also serves to remind us of what our goals were in the first place in case we have forgotten.

2. Re-evaluate, re-order - Sometimes we make plans and God laughs. So it is important for us to re-evaluate our goals, maybe we had a goal of selling the house, but now Grandma is ill and moving in. Obviously time to change that goal. Life happens and goals get shifted or things change. I recently had a friend planning a wedding here in Colorado and then discovered that she was moving to a different state because her job transferred. Change of plans. Be willing to accept that goals are fluid, they are not cemented. They can move around, be adjusted, and be completely changed.

3. Add new goals - Yes! Add to the list! This is either due to re-evaluation or measured progress. Say your goal was to update your resume and now you've done that, so now its time to look for that new job! Add to the list! Keep the ones you've been able to check off so you can go back over the year and see how much you've accomplished!

Keep on using your goals to motivate you to get things done in your life. I recommend either a goal board, or even using social media such as the new list feature on Facebook, or Pinterest to establish new goals in an area that you can check on frequently. Feel free to set a weekly goal for your larger goals and post it on your fridge or your bathroom mirror to remind yourself of what you are working towards.

Last but not least! CELEBRATE your success, no matter how "small" it may seem to you, success needs celebrated. It is a small way of reminding your brain that the effort has been worth it!

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